If you have any problems, questions or issues with this tutorial, let us know in the comments below. The Creately has over 1000 diagram templates and symbols the application can be run on. With support for VSD, VSDX, VDX, VST and other types. For more details, check: We still recommend using. Here we show you how to run Microsoft Visio on Mac using Parallels. You just need a Visio Plan 1 subscription, which you can get on a monthly or annual. Visio for the web lets you view, create, and edit diagrams in the Safari or Chrome browser on your Mac. While Microsoft doesn't have a desktop version of Visio for macOS, you can still work on Visio files on a Mac in your web browser. A common purchase option for organizations is one of the following versions of Visio: How you deploy Visio to the users in your organization depends on which version of Visio you purchase.